Actor's Showcase
I am going to be in an actor's showcase and the screening is this Wednesday night. It starts at 7:30pm at the Buffalo Room in the...

Broadway World Review
Here is Steve Wilson's review of me in last year's, "Our Brother's Caper." http://www.broadwayworld.com/kansas-city/article/BWW-Review-Th...

My First Union Feature
I'm going to be in my first union feature film! Child the Movie! Here is the website if you want to learn more about it. The kickstarter...

Fox 4 Interview
Last year I was interviewed on Fox 4 to promote a play I was in, "Our Brother's Caper." You can watch the interview at the link below:...

Be a Backer for Child the Movie
Last day to back Child the Movie. There are some great perks, check it out https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/912440597/child-the-feat...

Check me out
My profile is up on IMDb complete with pics. Let me know what you think.