Miss Hedda and Her Seagull at the 6x10 Festival
The world premiere of my play Miss Hedda and Her Seagull was last night at The Barn Players. I'm told it is funny without knowing the references. But for those of you who would like to know what this play is based on, I am spoofing Miss Julie by August Strindgberg, The Seagull by Anton Chekhov, and Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen. These plays are from the Realism Movement which started in the late 1800s. It was the first time in theatre history that playwrights were writing for real people with real problems, not just kings and queens and high society types. These plays dealt with themes such as the way men and women manipulate each other in relationships and the issues are still relevant today. If you are not familiar with these plays, they are free downloads for your kindle and can be found in any library. There is also a recent movie version of Miss Julie staring Jessica Chastain and Colin Ferrell, plus another version from 1999 staring Saffron Burrows. They are both excellent. Miss Julie is my all time favorite play and the title character is my dream role. There are still two chances to see Miss Hedda and Her Seagull, tonight at 7:30pm and Sunday at 2pm. Kristen Alley plays Miss Hedda and Steven Ansel plays the man she adores (pictured here). Here is an article about the festival http://shawneemissionpost.com/2016/11/18/the-barn-players-presenting-ninth-annual-6-x-10-ten-minute-play-festival-in-december-57832